domingo, 15 de setembro de 2013

HybridAuth Installer "Facebook", "provider_name" => "Facebook", "require_client_id" => TRUE, "new_app_link" => "", "userguide_section" => "", ) , ARRAY( "label" => "Google", "provider_name" => "Google", "callback" => TRUE, "require_client_id" => TRUE, "new_app_link" => "", "userguide_section" => "", ) , ARRAY( "label" => "Twitter", "provider_name" => "Twitter", "new_app_link" => "", "userguide_section" => "", ) , ARRAY( "label" => "Yahoo", "provider_name" => "Yahoo!", "require_client_id" => TRUE, "new_app_link" => "", "userguide_section" => "", ) , ARRAY( "label" => "Live", "provider_name" => "Windows Live", "require_client_id" => TRUE, "new_app_link" => "", "userguide_section" => "", ) , ARRAY( "label" => "MySpace", "provider_name" => "MySpace", "new_app_link" => "", "userguide_section" => "", ) , ARRAY( "label" => "Foursquare", "provider_name" => "Foursquare", "require_client_id" => TRUE, "callback" => TRUE, "new_app_link" => "", "userguide_section" => "", ) , ARRAY( "label" => "LinkedIn", "provider_name" => "LinkedIn", "new_app_link" => "", "userguide_section" => "", ) , ARRAY( "label" => "OpenID", "provider_name" => "OpenID", "new_app_link" => NULL, "userguide_section" => "", ) , ARRAY( "label" => "AOL", "provider_name" => "AOL", "new_app_link" => NULL, "userguide_section" => "", ) ); if( count( $_POST ) ): $CONFIG_TEMPLATE = file_get_contents( "Hybrid/resources/config.php.tpl" ); foreach( $_POST AS $k => $v ): $v = strip_tags( $v ); $z = "#$k#"; $CONFIG_TEMPLATE = str_replace( $z, $v, $CONFIG_TEMPLATE ); endforeach; $CONFIG_TEMPLATE = str_replace( "

Installation Error: HybridAuth configuration file must be WRITABLE in order for the installer to work.

Please try again!

Installation completed: HybridAuth has been successfully installed on your web server.

HybridAuth Installer

and that is it!

Error: HybridAuth requires PHP 5.2 or higher

Error: HybridAuth configuration file must be WRITABLE in order for the installer to work.

Error: HybridAuth will require to use CURL library. Please install/enable it before continuing.

NOTE: HybridAuth will not work properly in localhost, as some social networks DO NOT TRUST localhost requests

HybridAuth Installer

Important notices

  • For security reason, please delete ("install.php") file as soon as you complete the installation process,
  • Using the HybridAuth installer will erase your existing configuration file. If you already have an old installation of HybridAuth you might want to keep a copy of config.php,
  • HybridAuth includes by default providers. If you want even more, please go to to HybridAuth web site and download the Additional Providers Package.
  • Visit the HybridAuth home page to make sure if there is a newer version.

HybridAuth Endpoint

  • HybridAuth endpoint url is where the index.php is located.
  • HybridAuth enpoint should be set to +rx mode (read and execute permissions)
Set the complete url to hybridauth core library on your website. This URL will be used for many providers as the Endpoint for your website.

Providers setup

  • To correctly setup these Identity Providers please carefully follow the help section of each one.
  • If Provider Adapter Satus is set to Disabled then users will not be able to login with this provider on you website.
' . $GLOBAL_HYBRID_AUTH_URL_BASE . '?hauth.done=' . $provider . ''; } $setupsteps = 0; ?>

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Go to and create a new application.

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description.

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> On the "Create Client ID" popup switch to advanced settings by clicking on (more options).

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Provide this URL as the Callback URL for your application:

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Put your website domain in the External Url and External Callback Validation fields. It should match with the current hostname .

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Put your website domain in the Redirect Domain field. It should match with the current hostname .

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Put your website domain in the Site Url field. It should match with the current hostname .

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Put your website domain in the Integration URL field. It should match with the current hostname .

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Set the Application Type to Web Application.

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Put your website domain in the Application URL and Application Domain fields. It should match with the current hostname .

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Set the Kind of Application to Web-based.

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Put your website domain in the Application Website and Application Callback URL fields. It should match with the current hostname .

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Set the Default Access Type to Read, Write, & Direct Messages.

" . ++$setupsteps . "." ?> Once you have registered, copy and past the created application credentials into this setup page.

No registration required for OpenID based providers

Thanks for scrolling this far down! Now click the big button to complete the installation.

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